The Challenge

  • A major multi-sector trade association client sought to develop a national innovation policy agenda representing their perspective on significant policy challenges inhibiting the ability of U.S. businesses to drive innovation.
  • The organization needed help identifying common technology and innovation priorities across their diverse membership and developing substantive, evidence-based policy recommendations for a variety of high-priority issue areas.
  • For this project, the organization required assistance from an outside firm with expertise in innovation and competitiveness policy and multi-stakeholder process management, as well as proven research capabilities and extensive experience with data analytics, visualization, and report writing.

Our Solution

  • Keybridge provided strategic guidance to help scope the policy focus areas and developed a membership survey to identify top technology and innovation issues and policy priorities.
  • We conducted formative mixed-methods research for specific policy issues, developed charts and graphics to visualize key trends, and drafted the framing narrative and policy recommendations for the client’s innovation agenda.
  • We managed a lengthy multi-stakeholder feedback process to fine-tune policy recommendations and build consensus among the client’s diverse membership.
  • To help our client take the innovation agenda across the “last mile,” we worked with subject-matter experts to develop technology explainers that communicated complex concepts in plain language accessible to a lay audience. We also partnered with a communications and web design team to design digital and print reports.

End Results

With Keybridge’s help, the client firmly established itself as a thought leader on U.S. innovation policy. Specifically, our client was able to:

  • Demonstrate thoughtful, evidence-based engagement on the most critical technology and policy issues facing U.S. policymakers.
  • Offer substantive policy recommendations that laid the foundation for advocacy efforts on innovation and technology issues with lawmakers and government officials.
  • Publish highly polished web-based and print reports suitable for engaging with different audiences and contexts.

Using our expertise on technology, workforce, and trade and regulatory issues, we help clients understand how policy proposals impact U.S. technology development and innovation leadership.